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Sales Team Meetings

The purpose of all sales meetings is the support salespeople in selling more

The weekly sales team meeting is critical to the success of our fractional sales management approach. The sales team meets on the same day and same time each week for an hour. The meeting’s purpose is to help salespeople sell more and we are held accountable to that purpose by the team. They know the purpose and we invite feedback if we are not meeting this objective. I’ll explain the benefits of the sales meeting below but the skill we bring to the meeting that allows for the greatest value for all is how we facilitate conversation. The meetings stay solutions-oriented and what develops is a place for individual and team accountability as well as a forum to learn from each other. There are also times we invite other department heads or members to join to solve issues or improve communication to help the team sell more. 

What You’ll Get 

There are three types of meetings we always schedule with clients. We have a weekly sales meeting with the team and owners are welcome to attend but it is not mandatory as we want to free you up to help the growth of the business in other areas, we go this. Monthly we have one-on-one meetings with each salesperson to review their Individual Sales Plan and provide personal attention. Teams meetings are about the team and one-on-ones about the individual. Lastly, we have a catch-up meeting with owners to stay in step.

This is what we experience coming out of sales meetings:

  • Greater accountability and improved results by salespeople
  • Salespeople helping salespeople to win more business
  • Healthier respect between sales and support departments
  • Improved product knowledge
  • More motivation and a better attitude
  • Greater confidence by management on what is happening in the sales field
  • Productive feedback to improve process, products, or services
  • Greater adherence to proven processes and systems for selling
  • Fewer unwanted surprises
  • More sales!

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Our Philosophy

Would you believe me if I told you that having meetings with your sales team can save you time? I know it’s counterintuitive to make that statement, considering the general belief about meetings. Unfortunately, many of us in business have experienced meetings that waste our time. Some meetings seem to go on forever and at the end of them, nothing is decided or accomplished. Those experiences sap everyone’s energy and give meetings a bad name. I argue, however, that it’s not the gathering of people that is a waste of time—it’s how that gathering is managed that determines whether a meeting is productive or not. 

The weekly meeting we conduct will minimize the number of fires you need to put out each week and allow you to focus on growing the company instead of keeping it together. Here’s a story from one of our client engagements.

At one company, anxious salespeople would set off the “fire alarm” in the owner’s office or on his cell phone all week—contacting him constantly about service problems they viewed as urgent. Of course, the sales team members explained how the customer’s business was falling apart due to these service problems. As you probably know, when a salesperson’s customer complains, the sales rep takes action and usually exaggerates the situation while advocating for the customer. What’s also behind this exaggeration is a desire by the salesperson to relieve his or her personal discomfort brought on by the customer’s complaint—an understandable human reaction. This behavior, however, was the norm at this company, and along with creating frustration for everyone else on staff, the quick fixes put in place to resolve the service issues were costly. 

The cycle of responding to the sales team “fire alarms” continued as part of business as usual at this company—until we added something to our sales meetings. What we did was to carve out time during the sales meeting to discuss service system issues when we were all away from the firing line. That discussion allowed cooler heads to define the problems and come up with long-lasting solutions. It took some training, but as we consistently made time for these discussions, and the owner addressed the service issues, the calls during the middle of the week subsided as people started seeing we could get better results through the meeting. Ultimately, we saved time, lowered frustration levels, and more importantly, we improved customer service, which led to more sales!

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