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6 Keys to Onboarding Success, Part 1 Video

When you hire a new salesperson you only have one chance to get off to a fast start. Give it your best shot with a complete Onboarding/Orientation Plan.

1 – Understand Your Core Values

To have onboarding success, you need to understand what your core values are and the culture of your company. For instance, when I’m hiring someone for a client, I’m looking for a candidate who wants to work at that company. I want to attract the people that like the culture and like the environment that’s there. Is it a hard-driving and fast paced-environment? I want someone who is suited for that culture and likes doing business that way. If it’s more of a family-style, and slower-placed environment, I want to find the candidates who are suited to that culture.

2 – Have a Clear and Results-Oriented Job Description

A good job description spells out the duties and obligations to your new hire. You want your new employee to know what success will look like for them.

3 – Compensation

You want to have your compensation plan be very clear and easy to understand. Sales compensation can get complicated if you have too many bonuses and incentives. I encourage you to keep it simple. Most importantly, you want that plan to be a motivator for someone. It can only accomplish that if the new employee understands their compensation plan and how it works.

4 – Believe in Them

From day one you want to believe in your new hire. I’ve never understood when people hire someone and say, “Let’s see if they will work out.” When I hire someone it’s because I know they can do a great job and I tell them that from the very first day. I say, “Welcome aboard! I know you can do a great job for us and I’m looking forward to it. Let’s get to work.”

5 -Have a Documented Orientation Plan

For onboarding success you want your orientation plan documented so that everyone can follow what needs to be taught. For instance, your plan will lay out who will be responsible for teaching and educating and it will lay out the timelines for accomplishing these goals. We will go over this in more detail in the next video.

6 – Work the Orientation Plan

Lastly, you put the time in to create this plan. Make sure you accomplish what you set out to do and your employee will have their best chance at success.

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Rene is the President of Sales Manager Now, a company that provides fractional sales management services to small and family-run businesses. He has twenty-seven years of experience in sales leadership, coaching, and consulting. He is also the author of the Part-Time Sales Management handbook and is based in Auburn, California.

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